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If you plan on visiting Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel, we suggest that you take time to read the information contained on this page. It will help avoid confusion and perhaps answer (some) questions that you have. Chapel members are encouraged to visit this page as well.


We wish to welcome you to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel. The traditional Latin Mass, sacraments and faith are offered exclusively in our chapel. If you've grown up in the modern church since the 1960's, some of our practices at the chapel might be very new to you. You'll notice the peaceful and quiet atmosphere, as opposed to the talking, handshaking, and lack of respect you find in most parish churches. The atmosphere and Holy Mass offered in our chapel is reflective of fidelity to Catholic faith and morals, of respect to God and of charity to those attending. We do not have constant changes and options or goofy "liturgy committees" who are always looking for ways to make their "New Mass" less boring. We don't need to invent texts or use inclusive language etc. You won't find feminist nuns in various forms of casual dress doing liturgical dance or the readings at the Chapel. The bulk of our prayers in the traditional Latin Mass and their arrangement goes back to at least the 3rd and 4th century. If the traditional Mass was good enough for the saints, it is good enough for us. In fact, at Our Lady of the holy Rosary Chapel you attend the same Holy Mass that most of the saints of the Roman Catholic Church attended for 2,000 years.     


Please refrain from receiving Holy Communion until you can speak with Father. If you wish to worship and believe as Catholics have worshiped and believed for centuries, then our chapel is the home you've been looking for. Located in the vestibule area of the Chapel is a small brochure which explains the rules of fasting prior to Communion, as well as general rules about worthy reception of Holy Communion. You might also wish to review the "Mass rubrics" card when attending Holy Mass at the Chapel. A Chapel member will be more than pleased to direct you to a Missal prayerbook etc. Just ask. Ushers are at the entrance to the Chapel and will help direct you to a seat, offer you a Missal and perhaps a music sheet if you would like. 


Reading materials are available which will help you understand some of the "changes" in the Church that many of the Catholic faithful are concerned about. Following the Second Vatican Council of the 1960's, more than a few members of the Roman Catholic hierarchy raised concerns with the liberal ecumenical direction of the Church. Besides changes in the Liturgy and the Sacraments, it also became clear that many who attend the "modern Mass" or the "New Mass" as it is called, no longer believe in the historical teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

Seeing the "spirit of Vatican II" as a revolt against the faith of 2,000 years, some Catholic Bishops provided for the continuation of the true Faith and the Sacraments. Those who attend the Traditional Mass are concerned not only with the loss of the ancient Rite of the Roman Catholic Mass (codified at the Council of Trent) but also attend because they wish to hear orthodox Catholic sermons on matters of faith and morality. They attend because they desire their children learn the traditional prayers of the Church, that they receive sound catechetical instruction. The Chapels and Mass centers that are attached to the 2,000 year traditions of the Church remain in complete union with the infallible teaching magesterium of the Church, with the Popes, the Councils, the Saints. We believe in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We do not believe that those who practice a modernist/liberal (updated) or "renewed" religion are really and certainly Catholic anymore. We resist the "renewal" and modernist thinking because our Catholic faith requires us to do that for the salvation of our souls.


If you plan to visit the Chapel or attend Mass here, please remember we adhere to the traditional modesty rules of the Roman Catholic Church. Ladies are required to wear a head covering (available in the back of the Chapel) and no short skirts or revealing clothing is permitted. For men: jeans, shorts, sneakers and other forms of casual wear are not permitted while attending Holy Mass. Catholic ladies and men should always be dressed modestly, especially when attending Mass. We have disposable veils for ladies at the religious goods counter. Those who refuse to abide by the Catholic standards of modesty in dress, will be refused the Sacraments, as Church law requires priests to do. It is understood that newcomers are not always aware of the Roman Catholic standards of modesty in dress. Questions on this should be directed to Father. Literature is provided which explains the Catholic modesty code. We also suggest the reading of the message of Our Lady of Fatima. It was Our Lady who warned that certain styles and manner of dress would "offend her Son" very much. Let our Catholic people never be found in that "badly dressed" crowd!


Please do not receive Holy Communion unless you are in the "state of grace" (having gone to confession previously) & only if you are a practical Catholic who adheres to all the teachings of the Church. You must also be aware of the fasting rules. If you are visiting the Chapel, we ask you to speak with Father prior to coming to Holy Communion, unless you are attending exclusively the Traditional Latin Mass or an Catholic Eastern Rite Liturgy. The Chapel bookstore has numerous articles and free information on the rubrics (how to attend/participate in Mass) and the general customs of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as numerous items that explain the Catholic faith.  


You must make an appointment with Father. You are required to attend Marriage instructions. Do not set a date for a wedding without consulting the parish priest. If not attending the Traditional Mass exclusively, you are not permitted marriage in this Chapel. Adults who are converts are required to receive instruction in the Catholic faith for baptism. Baptism for children of Chapel members only, or those attending the Traditional Latin Mass exclusively. Baptism and Marriage guidelines are available and are mandatory reading. Sponsors for baptism must be (at least one) a member of the Chapel, or attending another Roman Catholic Chapel or Church. If you have received an annulment for marriage under the auspices of one of the diocese, you should make an appointment to discuss this with Father. If you have questions, you can email the Chapel at:


No food or drink is permitted in the Chapel. A water cooler is available in the St. Francis Gift Shop & Library. This water cooler should not be utilized during Mass or devotions, unless someone has a health emergency etc. Choir practice, classes or instructions, take place in the classroom or vestibule area. Coffee and snacks are to be eaten in the vestibule area only. Please make sure you maintain respect for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament (as well as set a good example for others, especially children) by genuflecting when entering or leaving the Chapel, your pew etc. Bless yourself with Holy Water when entering or leaving the Chapel. Silence should be maintained in the Chapel. While some who visit might be more familiar with the loud atmosphere and talking in the "New Church" parishes around us, please know that this is not our Catholic custom here at the Chapel, nor is it ever the behavior of good Catholics.


Please place cash or checks (payable to "Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel") in the collection basket or offering box. It is a precept of the Church that we support the Church. This precept obliges under pain of serious sin. We rely completely on the faithful to financially support our work. If you attend Holy Mass and receive the Sacraments at the Chapel, you must support the Chapel.  


Please notify immediately,or have Father notified, if you become ill and are in need of a (home) or (hospital) sick call or Holy Communion visit.      It is especially important that a Catholic receives the Sacrament of Extreme Unction when the time approaches. This Sacrament (also known as "Last Rites") is not to be confused at all with the "New Rite of Anointing of the Sick" which is doubtful for numerous reasons. Make certain that if you or a family member are admitted/registered in any Hospital, Nursing Home, Independent living facility etc, that such institutions are informed and aware that you are a member of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Chapel. The Chapel priest will provide for any and all pastoral needs. If for any reason Father is away or unavailable, provisions will be made for other contacts. 

Under no circumstances should any Catholic receive the administrations of those who would use the "New Rites." If you would like a list of approved contacts for emergency needs, please ask at the Chapel office. We have a set of "Pastoral Guidelines for the Sick" that provide additional details and help in this matter. These Guidelines also provide information on how to prepare the home for a visit with the priest (for sick calls).

Please keep this information on hand:

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel

205 Fulton Street

Elgin, IL. 60120

(847) 508-9513

(847) 421-5853 (cell phone for emergency only)


If you do not currently attend Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel, but perhaps would find yourself in agreement with our positions as regard upholding the Catholic faith, or if you attend another traditional Mass center and find that you are in a situation where you are unable to contact a priest, please feel free to use the above contact information if you find yourself in need of a sick call or hospital visit. However, if you are currently receiving any type of "pastoral" support from any "New Church" parish, we advise you to contact them, and not the Chapel priest. We do not administer the Sacraments to those who are attending the "New Mass."


If you are in need of the Sacraments, and perhaps live outside the state of Illinois (or the United States) and are having difficulty finding a Traditional Latin Mass or the Sacraments administered by bishops and priests who maintain the Catholic faith and traditional rites of the Church, please feel free to contact us at the above address/telephone or email us directly at:

We have resources and contacts that might be able to assist you. The Chapel website will be happy to list other Traditional Mass centers and institutions from anywhere in the world, so as to assist the Catholic faithful. We invite Catholic priests to contact us for this listing.


We have a nice selection of traditional Catholic reading materials, devotional items etc. These are available at the religious goods counter -you can leave your offering in the box. Your offerings for books and materials help defray costs at the Chapel. Under no circumstances should anyone leave literature or materials that do not have the approval of Father. If you are interested in an item that we do not have, please ask. These can be ordered. We especially encourage you to purchase a Missal. If you find some of the items of interest, especially those that pertain to the Catholic faith and devotions, and do not have funds to afford such items, please help yourself and leave a note in the box. We ask all to be on their honor in this regard. Religious items can be blessed any Sunday following Holy Mass. Please bring them to the Communion rail and Father will be more than happy to bless these items. We also encourage you to have a good Catholic Calendar. Each year the Chapel offers a variety of traditional Catholic Calendars. We also have a fine assortment of traditional Catholic greeting cards with various Catholic religious themes. A box of donated religious medals,rosaries, holy cards is also available for a free-will offering. These make excellent items to bring to the sick, or even for family and friends. 


To request a Holy Mass, a Novena of Masses etc, you may take an envelope from the Mass Request Intention box holder located by the Religious good counter. Follow the instructions. Checks should be payable to "Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel" (not Father). Mass Cards are available with a number of Catholic themes (for the living and deceased). The Chapel will gladly mail your Mass Card as you might direct. The normal stipend for Holy Mass is $15.00. A Novena of Masses is $100.00. We will try to accommodate requested dates for Mass. If you are unable to provide the suggested stipend for lack of funds, this should not discourage you from requesting Holy Masses to be offered. In such cases, you can offer good works, especially at the Chapel. 


Chapel cleaning normally takes place every Saturday between 9:30 and 11:00 AM. We need volunteers to help with this. A sign-up sheet is posted. The good Angels do not come down from Heaven to help with this! This is your Chapel; we need your help! How many can be found to help keep the house of Our Lord clean? This is a wonderful way to really show that you love God and His Church. No experience necessary, you will learn quickly! We provide the Coffee...and the cleaning supplies!


If you are requesting prayers for your own intentions (such as return of good health, loss of job, or for family members, conversion of friends etc) or a death remembrance) for the Sunday bulletin, please email these to the Chapel at least one week prior:

These will be placed in the Sunday bulletin for a one month period.


If you have an announcement which you or your organization would like to have included in the Sunday bulletin, please let Father review this at least one week in advance:

A (suggested) announcement can also be dropped in the mailbox by the Chapel office.

All announcements must be approved in advance. Classes offered at the Chapel, Choir practice etc, should be posted in the bulletin at least two weeks prior to the scheduled event.


The Chapel is in the process of developing a choir. The Choir members sing at Sunday Masses, devotions, and as scheduled. You are not required to know Latin to join the Choir, but you will be required to have at least a basic knowledge of (liturgical) Latin to remain in the Choir.

Latin instruction is provided as needed and requested. Choir practices are scheduled. If you would like to join the Choir at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel, please ask for an informational packet that provides the Choir rules. Please see Diane Milmont (Chapel organist) for additional information. Choir practice begins on time.   


Our Chapel schedules devotions throughout the liturgical year: in particular we have regular devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help (novena) and St. Raphael (Blessing of the Sick, Holy Mass) and Our Lady of Guadalupe (Guadalupe Festival, Holy Mass) and St. Philomena (Holy Mass and devotions, Blessing of the Sick). Other devotions are scheduled during the year. These special devotions and Holy Masses are announced on the website and in the Sunday bulletins. Benediction follows Holy Mass as scheduled.


The Chapel sends regular bulletins and newsletters during the year to friends and benefactors. If you would like to be included in any Chapel mailings (especially for updates about devotions and special events) please contact us:


You are invited to join us every Sunday for coffee and various snacks offered after Holy Mass. We have a sign-up sheet if you would like to sponsor a particular Sunday with your home-baked goods or purchased items. We also have an offering jar on the table to help defray the costs of coffee and other items offered. This provides a nice opportunity to meet, encourage, discuss, and in general: to get to know other members of our Chapel family. We always welcome visitors!


Catholic Catechism classes are offered each Sunday following Mass. First Communion is usually scheduled each May. Confirmations are scheduled when the bishop is able to visit, usually in spring or summer. You will be supplied with a list of items that are mandatory and will need to be purchased. If you cannot afford these items (Catechism books, lives of the Saints, coloring books for children etc) the Chapel will assist with this. We require in a timely manner any certificates to establish sacraments received.




We welcome you to come visit and pray with our Catholic community at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel.

The chapel is located in downtown Elgin. Ample (free) public parking is available next door to the chapel in the parking garage and on Fulton Street. If you are new to the Catholic Church, or perhaps interested in attending Holy Mass "the way it used to be" prior to all the changes in the Church, please take the time to read this brief introduction which will help assist you in understanding why Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel exists.

While some come to the chapel to visit for nostalgic purposes (they miss the "old Latin Mass") please understand that this is not the primary purpose of the Chapel. Sometimes good souls have been turned away from the Catholic Church because of a bad experience with clergy, or perhaps they left the Church over the diabolic molestation of children by priests. Maybe they realize that the local parishes really don't seem to be all that Catholic anymore. Whatever the reason, please know that Our Lord and His Church need you now more than ever before. More than that, you need the Catholic Church with her teachings and her sacraments that give grace. Maybe you have questions, or you have a sense that something is "wrong" with the current New Church and her leadership since Vatican II, and so you are searching for the Catholic faith that is represented in "traditional" Roman Catholic chapels and Mass Centers. Whatever your reason or experience, please understand that our chapel offers you a home for your soul: a place to nourish your soul with the Catholic Faith of Jesus Christ, and the Sacraments of His One True Church. The true Catholic Church must be that which is the same yesterday, today and forever. To be a Roman Catholic means one is united (through the Sacrament of Baptism) to the Mystical Body of Christ and all of the popes and the infallible teaching magesterium of the Roman Catholic Church of 2,000 years.

Our Lord has not abandoned His Church or His people. He promised to remain with His Church until the consummation of the world. This means that the Church will always have a visible Catholic representation.


Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel is a place where we challenge and encourage you in your Catholic spiritual life. The chapel priest is here to be your shepherd and he realizes the supreme importance of feeding your soul with sound Catholic spiritual, dogmatic and sacramental food. Your salvation depends on this. You'll notice that the chapel priest is very serious about matters that pertain to the practice and living of the true Catholic faith. The priest is concerned that you are instructed correctly on what the Church has taught as regards living and thinking in line with Catholic faith and morality. Our Catholic life does not begin when we enter the chapel and end when we leave. To be a faithful Catholic, a follower of Our Lord, means to daily live, in all aspects of your life, as a Catholic follower of Jesus Christ. It means to think and act like a Catholic. The priest is concerned that you go to Confession frequently, for example. He strongly encourages you to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion, "the Bread of Angels." We schedule devotions (First Friday, First Saturday, novenas) during the year. You will be strongly encouraged to attend these. Our chapel also offers a program of Catholic studies. Sometimes we invite priests, religious, or laity who will speak on a variety of topics that impact our life. Not long ago we invited a priest to explain why he left the "New Church of Vatican II" and returned to the faith of 2,000 years and the Traditional Latin Mass. We also have the lay apostolate in the Sodality of Our Lady, which meets regularly.


You'll immediately notice a great sense of reverence and respect in the house of God as soon as you enter the chapel. We prepare for Holy Mass in quiet and contemplative prayer, or reflection. Chapel members dress modestly at Mass, and we ask ladies to please cover their heads. We have disposable chapel veils for this purpose. If you plan to go to Confession, please come early to examine your conscience. Looking around you might notice that many have large prayerbooks, or Missals. These contain all the prayers of the Mass, and you can purchase one if you'd like. These are in Latin and English, or Latin and Spanish. We also have (as you enter the chapel) copies of the Missalette, which contain the ordinary parts of the Mass. Hymns sung during Mass are on the laminatedhymn sheets. While the Epistle and Gospel are read in Latin (or sung during a High Mass) at the altar, Father will read these in the vernacular at the pulpit, just prior to the sermon and chapel announcements for the week.


We don't shake hands during Mass, or talk in church. Please understand that Father and the chapel members are friendly and very social (we have a lengthy coffee "hour" following Mass!), but while in church, we are giving our time and energy, our thoughts and prayers to Almighty God. God asks solittle of His people when you think about it! You'll notice the priest and people all pray "together" and face the altar in the same direction. This might seem different to you, especially if you are coming from one of the local modern churches. But keep in mind, "facing the Lord" has been the practice of the Roman Catholic Church, going back to the time of Our Lord. It was only after the Protestant "reformation" that anyone got the idea of "facing the people." We have ample reading materials which explain why this practice of "facing the people" and many of the other new innovations (communion in the hand, lectors, Eucharistic ministers) are all practices that have been strongly prohibited, rejected and forbidden by the Roman Catholic Church. Communion in the chapel is received kneeling and on the tongue. We show honor and respect to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament by kneeling in reverential silence, while the priest administers Holy Communion. Altar Girls are not permitted.


Our sermons are Catholic: no social nonsense, no liberal modernist babble here. If you are comfortable with the modern wimpy and whiny clergy, you won't feel at home here! The priest at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary is here to disturb and move your soul into Catholic action. The sermons are straight forward and always direct: we preach the doctrine of Jesus Christ Who was crucified and died for us. The sermon is not a time for the priest to become a social worker and preach about being "non-judgmental" or how you must practice false charity and thus tolerate evil or buy into the new social agenda. We preach the doctrine of Christ which opposes the world, the flesh and the devil. You will come away with a sense of what it really means to be a Catholic and what you have to do to save your immortal soul. After all, what is the role of the Church in our lives? We are not here to coddle and tell you that it is okay to live at odds with Christ and His Church. At the same time, if you've fallen off track, we want you to come back to God and seek His mercy and forgiveness. We want you to go to Heaven and you can only go to Heaven if you live and die as a good Catholic.


You'll hear about heaven, hell and purgatory at the chapel. We realize that "not everyone who says Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of Heaven." The sermons will frequently address the thoughts of the Epistle or Gospel, or perhaps the saint of the day. A lot of time is given to helping souls understand the wonderful teachings of Jesus Christ. Of course the "world" does not find those teachings so wonderful, and the "New Church" frequently ignores them, but we take the message of Christ seriously. We frequently mention the teachings of popes, saints and the doctors of the Church. We appreciate and make frequent reference to biblical or Church history. We call a spade a spade and explain exactly what is wrong with the prevalent liberal thinking of the day, as well as those who, through promoting modernist theology (which is opposed to the Catholic Faith), are working to bring about the auto-demolition of the Church. If you are a Catholic, or perhaps a non-Catholic, you will be instructed about grace and sin, about virtue, about hope and true charity. The role of the chapel priest in the sermon is to help you learn, understand and apply the teachings of Our Lord and His Church, so that you will live life as a good Catholic. The chapel priest is not afraid to tackle current social issues and problems, or even the crisis in the Church.


As mentioned, the Chapel promotes various familiar Catholic devotions such as novenas, Adoration, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, the Brown Scapular, blessing of throats, etc. Once each month we have the traditional "Blessing of the Sick" following Mass. We frequently have a High Mass. We have a small dedicated choir. Perhaps you are musically inclined and would be interested in helping the choir? We sing Latin hymns, as well as many in the vernacular. We strongly encourage the members of the chapel to sing our beautiful Catholic hymns and participate in the ancient chants of the High Mass. What a beautiful treasury of music the Church has! At the Chapel we don't need to borrow or use Protestant hymns as you find is the case in the local churches of the diocese. We are so honored and blessed to be Catholic and we are not ashamed to express our faith either in our Catholic prayers or music!

For our young people, we schedule catechism classes that are under the supervision of the chapel priest. We use solid Catholic materials and sources (Baltimore Catechism). We realize the great harm that has been done to Catholic children in the New Church religious instructions. In fact, they've been instructed into heresy. It saddens us to say this, but let's face facts!

We've seen an entire generation lose the Catholic faith.

Catholic children and young adults frequently don't know their prayers, or their faith. Do we wonder why it is in the "New Church" organization that so many no longer believe in the Real Presence, who are pro-abortion, practice contraception, who know nothing of Confession, or who are generally pro-evil? Who has instructed them? What kind of instruction did they receive from the "approved" clergy in the parishes of the various "in union with the Church" dioceses? One so-called Catholic bishop laughed at the idea of eternal hellfire. How many souls is he responsible for? We do not have this problem at the chapel since we only use sound orthodox Catholic resources. God help those who have turned their children over to religious leaders who have led them astray and away from the Catholic Church and her teaching. As regards children, we encourage you to bring your children to Holy Mass! Father does not give anyone the "evil eye" as happens in some places. If a child gets a little out of hand, Father understands that it is difficult for a little one to sometimes be patient and not squirm a little during Mass.


While we are here primarily for the practice of our Holy Catholic Faith for the salvation of our souls, we also encourage you to join us in the Parish coffee hour following Sunday Mass. You can spend time with Father and members of the chapel over a cup or two of coffee and a donut, or other baked treats. We have some spirited and interesting conversations! Sometimes we have Filipino or Mexican food. Each Sunday different members of the chapel sign up to sponsor the coffee hour. You'll meet wonderful people who come from all walks of life and cultures, but each share a common love of the Catholic Church. Again, this chapel which is dedicated to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, is not just about the Latin Mass!


Call the Chapel at (847) 508-9513

email us at

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