+ In Memoriam +
March 9, 2013
His Excellency, Most Rev. Hector Francisco de la Cruz, Ripoll, OSF passed away. For over 20 years he had visited the Chapel and provided the Sacrament of Confirmation and pastoral guidance as Catholic bishop.
Msgr. Ripoll resided in Yucatan, Mexico. Msgr. Ripoll was among the Catholic bishops who resisted modernism in the Church and continued to offer the Traditional Latin Mass and administered the Sacraments in accord with the traditional Rites of the Roman Catholic Church. His episcopate stemmed from Archbishop Thuc of Vietnam. Archbishop Thuc was one of the few prelates of the Roman Catholic Church who remained faithful to the traditional Latin Mass. Msgr. Ripoll had entered the Franciscan Order in 1962. He remained a faithful son of St. Francis until the end. May his soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace.
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him O Lord, And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him.
May He Rest In Peace.
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel
205 Fulton Street
Elgin, IL. 60120
P.O. Box 5501
Elgin, IL. 6021-5501
(847) 508-9513
Chapel Priest:
Fr. Ronald Brown, Spiritual Director of the Sodality of Our Lady
Advisory Board:
Dr. Miguel Conrado, MD
Richard Donnelly, (Sodality of Our Lady)
Mick Hacklin
Altar & Rosary Society:
Veronica Ballantine, President
Linda Boswell, Secretary & Treasurer
members meet for the Rosary prior to Mass on the 3rd Sunday of the month and have a regular meeting the 3rd Saturday of the month following Holy Mass
Altar Servers:
Fr. Brown
servers meet twice monthly for instructions, latin. please see Fr. Brown if interested in serving Holy Mass
Catechism Classes are normally offered after Sunday Mass.
Please see Jan Lichtenberg.
Educational Programs:
Spiritual Conferences and Conferences related to important issues that touch on Catholic Faith, Morals and Liturgy are offered on a regular basis. Please contact the Chapel or check the Chapel website. holyrosarychapel@att.net
members of the Altar and Rosary Society assist with the cleaning and general upkeep of the Chapel as scheduled.
Sodality of Our Lady:
Fr. Brown, Chaplain & Spiritual Director
the Sodality meets the 1st Saturday of each month following Holy Mass
Greg Machalinksi
Mick Hacklin
Bob Basener
Choir Director:
Mrs. Eileen Basener
Miss Marissa Palmiter, Organist
if interested in participating in visits to local Nursing Homes for the Rosary please contact:
Russell & Dolly Steiger
Myrna Cruz
St. Francis Shop
Mary Palacios
-Rummage Sales-
please see Mary Palacios or Russell Steiger